Claudia Chaseling
Claudia Chaseling was born in Munich. She received a Master degree in Visual Art, from the University of the Arts in Berlin (HdK) and a PhD, Doctor of Philosophy in Visual Art from the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra.
Zu der künstlerischen Arbeit von Claudia Chaseling
Claudia Chaseling’s work comprises wall-size paintings and space filling murals, the Spatial Paintings. The artist creates upside down landscapes with reversed or distorted perspectives. The imagery of her work consists of estranged landscapes, mutated creatures and plants whose deformation is caused by radiation. Claudia’s expansive wall/floor paintings interrupt the geometric order and balance of the exhibition space through their profound depth and sway between the two and three-dimensional. Using a technique with dry colour pigments, the artist addresses the antagonistic relationship between structure and chaos, creating new compositions from a state of disorder. The result is an amorphous system of complex fragments reminiscent of light reflections, abstract organic seeming excrescence and objects in form of capsule-like creatures. Claudia creates an atmosphere of alienation searching for the undiscovered Zeitgeist and the contemporary mutated perspective.